Nursing Assistant Competency Exam
Exam Schedule & Registration
Please read the registration requirements, then begin by selecting an exam date below. You will need to pay the exam fee as the final step to complete the registration process, which can be done with a credit or debit card.
If you have any questions: Contact Excel Testing
State exam locations:
Elm Street: 1001 Elm Street, Suite 105, Manchester, NH.
Maple Street: 8 Maple Street, Suite 3, Meredith, NH.
Market Street: 70 Market Street, Manchester, NH.
Reminder: your seat is NOT reserved until your payment is received.
Excel Testing is required to have proof that you are eligible to receive results of your Test Results. You must upload your proof of LNA Program completion or expired LNA license to your account portal after registering for your tests.
You are responsible to ensure your LNA program certificate or LNA expired license is uploaded to your account portal.
Your application must state if this an Initial, Reinstatement or Challenge test. This should match how you will be applying to the New Hampshire Board of Nursing for your License. We must have proof of this information before you may sit for an exam and receive your results. Failure to upload these documents will result in an inability to receive results and receive your License from the New Hampshire Board of Nursing.
You will be registering for 2 tests: Written Test and Skills Test for combined exam fees of $200. Please make sure to check one of each to begin the registration process.
Register Online Now
Step One: Check the boxes to select when you would like to take the Written & Skills Exams, then click “Next Step”.
Your browser will be directed to our portal so you can securely enter your information.